#12: Sects & Schisms |
"Some religious groups may exhibit one or two of the common
characteristics of so-called cults, such as a specialized group
jargon or odd rituals or heavy demands on members' time, but the
same could be said of most corporations or family businesses as
well!" - Jay Kinney, from the introduction |
Contents |
Summer 1989 | ||
1 Editorial 2 News 3 Forum 6 Study Groups 7 Introduction: The Joy of Sects by Jay Kinney 8 The Three Faces of Satan by Chas Clifton A close look at the "Satanism Scare" and its accusers. 20 Wandering Bishops by Stephan A. Hoeller Do the hundreds of bishops outside of Papal control hold the key to a new sacramental Christianity? 26 The Modern Rosicrucians by Christopher McIntosh A fascinating history of 20th century Rosicrucian groups. 33 The GNOSIS Interview: The Imperator of AMORC by Jay Kinney and Tim O'Neill A talk with Gary L. Stewart, head of the largest modern Rosicrucian group. 36 Hubbard's Ladder by Tom Joyce Are Scientology's "technologies of transformation" worth a second look? 44 Shootout at the Circle 7 Koran by Peter Lamborn Wilson The unique story of Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple. 50 Hasidism by Lawrence Sutin An overview of the Jewish sect's road from mystical heresy to orthodoxy. 55 The Swedenborgian Church by Jim Lawrence The exoteric journey of Swedenborg's esoteric teachings. 62 What's So Secret About The Secret Doctrine? by Jay Williams a skeptical look at H.P. Blavatsky's groundbreaking Theosophical book. 66 Book Reviews