Gnosis #1: Gnosticism Ancient & Modern
Valentinus: A Gnostic for All Seasons by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #6: Secret Societies
Article: Freemasonry and the Hermetic Tradition
by R.A. Gilbert
Gnosis #8: Alchemy
Article: C.G. Jung and the Alchemical Revival
by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #9: Northern Mysteries
Article: The Controversy of the Occult Reich
by John Roemer
Gnosis #11: Ritual
The Gnosis of the Eucharist by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #12: Sects & Schisms
Article: Wandering Bishops
by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #13: The Goddess
Article: Goddesses, Yes; Goddess, No!
by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #16: Orthodoxy
You Create Your Own Orthodoxy by Jordan Gruber
Gnosis #17: Sex & Spirituality
Beyond Either/Or by Jay Kinney
Book Review:
Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav, reviewed by Jordan Gruber
Gnosis #19: The Trickster
Trickster at the Crossroads by Eric Davis
Gnosis #20: Gurdjieff & the Fourth Way
Meetings With a Remarkable Paradox by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #22: Dreams
The Dream of the Sleeper by Refik Algan
Gnosis #23: Gnosticism Revisited
Tongues of Fire, Gifts of Noise by Erik Davis
What is a Gnostic? by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #24: Saints & Scoundrels
Choose Your Saints Wisely by Richard Smoley
Book Review:
Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge by Terence McKenna and
In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations by Jerry Mander, reviewed by Jordan Gruber
Gnosis #26: Psychedelics & the Path
The Sobriety That Surpasses Intoxication by Kabir Helminski
Article: Using Drugs Wisely by Myron J. Stolaroff
Gnosis #28: One God or Many?
Split Personalities by Jay Kinney
Book Review:
We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy - and the World's Getting Worse by James Hillman and Michael Ventura, reviewed by David Fideler
Book Review:
True Hallucinations by Terence McKenna, reviewed by Jordan Gruber
Gnosis #29: The Body
A Gown Both Subtle and Dense by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #30: Sufism
Introduction: The Sufi Conundrum by Jay Kinney
The Goal of Oneness: The GNOSIS Interview with Refik Algan by Jay Kinney and Richard Smoley
Gnosis #31: Russia & Eastern Europe
A Glimpse of Eastern Expanses by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #32: Pop Culture & the Esoteric
Pop and Circumstance by Jay Kinney
Article: Audio Magicians by Peter Stenshoel and Jay Kinney
Book Review:
The Age of Missing Information by Bill McKibben, reviewed by Jordan Gruber
Gnosis #33: The Earth
Introduction: Heaven, Earth, and Us by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #34: Healing
Introduction: A Healing Tale by Jay Kinney
Gnosis #35: The Spirituality of America
Introduction: The Religion of No-Religion by Richard Smoley
Article: Joseph Smith: America's Hermetic Prophet by Lance S. Owens
Book Review:
Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, reviewed by Jay Cornell
Book Review:
Native American Traditions by Arthur Versluis, reviewed by Jordan Gruber
Gnosis #36: The Inner Planes
Stairways to Heaven by Jay Kinney
Article: Wise Men from the East by Stephan A. Hoeller
Article: Exploring the Inner Realms: The GNOSIS Interview with Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki by Frank Donnola
Gnosis #37: Tenth Anniversary Issue
Days of Future Past by Jay Kinney
Calling Cthulhu by Erik Davis
Gnosis #38: The Stars
The Stars We Are by Richard Smoley
Grinding the Mill of Heaven: An Interview with Graham Hancock by Ed Conroy
Book Review:
The Teachings of Don Carlos: Practical Applications of the Works of Carlos Cataneda by Victor Sanchez, reviewed by Jordan Gruber
Gnosis #39: East Meets West
The Real and the Unreal by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #40: Hermeticism
Article: On the Trail of the Winged God
by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #42: Death & the Afterlife
The Big Unknown by Jay Kinney
Gnosis #43: Love, Sacred & Profane
More Than a Feeling by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #44: Freemasonry
Masonic Civilization by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #45: Esoteric Christianity
Popular Mystery by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #46: Divination
Patterns in a Subtle Light by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #47: Prayer & Meditation
Pray Tell by Jay Kinney
Article: The Essence of Prayer by Theodore J. Nottingham
Gnosis #48: Witchcraft & Paganism
The Old Religion by Richard Smoley
Gnosis #49: The New Age
The New Age Trajectory by Jay Kinney
Article: News of the New Age by D. Patrick Miller
Gnosis #50: Good & Evil
Two A.M. in the Garden of Good and Evil by Jay Kinney
Article: The Mystery of Iniquity by Stephan A. Hoeller
Gnosis #51: The Grail
The Illumined Heart by Richard Smoley